The witless babble of someone who needs more sleep...
This blog now also incorporates the Insomniac ShitList (where irritation never sleeps) and the Insomniac Baby (who thankfully do sleep, mostly)
Snow White is sent to the Caliph's court as Fabletown's emmisary and finds herself having to entertain him in order to keep her head. Scheherazade learns her lessons from the mistress of story-telling...
Fables (vol. 1 to 9) tell the on-going story of the eponymous 'Fables', who escaped from their worlds to ours in order to escape the power-mad Adversary. They have been secretly living amongst us for centuries... They're all here: Snow White, Bigby (Big Bad) Wolf, King Cole, Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio, Jack and some that you might have forgotten! Great fun.
How great am I lads? I did the half marathon in Connemara on Sunday in the not too shabby time of 2 hours 21 minutes. Granted, I was hoping to do slightly better and finish in about 2.10, but a foot cramp at mile 9 put paid to that plan... Anyway, yeay me!
I'll be back to do it again next year and hopefully improve on my time. Anyone want to join me??? Connemarathon