The witless babble of someone who needs more sleep...
This blog now also incorporates the Insomniac ShitList (where irritation never sleeps) and the Insomniac Baby (who thankfully do sleep, mostly)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lucifer (vol. 1 to 11) by Mike Carey
These volumes pick up the tale of Lucifer Morningstar from when he left his kingdom of Hell in the capable administrative hands of the angels Remiel and Duma (in Neil Gaiman's masterpiece, the Sandman). On the whole, this is fan-freaking-tastic, BUT (and I promise I'm not giving anything away here) given story's trajectory, there is really no other way that it can end and that's a pity. Sometimes, I wish these things could go on forever, but I suppose they wouldn't be as good then. Let's just say that there's no fear of Lucifer jumping the shark, even though he could if he wanted to!
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