Monday, March 29, 2004

The herd needs to be culled

or: Why some people should not be allowed to breed

Grrrr.... Arrrghhhh!
Last night, at a quarter to eleven, I was watching the end of Fraiser, just before I went to bed, when I heard screaming coming from outside my apartment. Now, there are often teenagers running amok up and down the road outside, screaming and roaring, but if you ignore it long enough it goes away. Not so last night.

I went out onto my balcony to see if I could see any action, but no... The screaming seemed to be coming from one of the townhouses along the block where I live, so I grabbed my keys and wandered out for a look.

Imagine my horror, when I found a seven-year old girl sitting on an outer windowsill, 3 storeys up, wailing for her parents. It turns out that the child was spending the weekend with her father, who had gone to the pub for the last night of legal indoor smoking (thanks for that, Minister Martin - more rantage on that later). She had been left in the care of her "uncle", who one can only guess got bored with the company of a seven-year-old, and left her locked in the house alone so that he too could go to the pub.

I'm not sure what to be angriest about...
The fact that some muppets without enough sense to use a condom would leave a young child alone, or in the "care" of someone who patently doesn't... Some people do not deserve to have children.

Or the fact that out of an apartment/townhouse complex of 400 units, I was the only person to take any heed of the terrified screams of that child. One other couple who happened to be passing on their way home came by to try help out and I think a neighbour from across the road called the police - either way, out of a possible (approximately) 800 people in the immediate vicinity, only four made any sort of effort to help. What is wrong with our society?

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