Saturday, May 15, 2004

I'm not very good at this...

I know that I'm not very good at this regular posting lark. I've promised myself that I'll do better - but I do have a couple of valid excuses, which I will share with you here:

1. Exams
As I've mentioned elsewhere on this site, I've been doing a Masters degree for the past two years and my final exams were held at the start of this month. My priorities were perhaps a little skewed for wanting to study, rather than post on my blog. Now, that excuse is gone. The exams are done. Whoo-hoo! I should have more free time to do things that I can blog about...

2. Thesis
My thesis for aforementioned degree is due in by the end of July. I haven't really started it yet. I should. Once that's done, I'll have more free time to do things that I can blog about...

3. Lack of Interest
Don't get me wrong - I'm very interested in this blogging stuff. I feel like I could be very good at it. I know that I don't post enough to attract anyone else's interest, but perhaps I need to get the hang of it a little more before I engage in any serious self-publicising - I'd be embarrassed at this stage if I thought anyone was actually reading this rubbish... but if anyone is, a little bit of encouragement wouldn't go astray. Just a comment to let me know that someone - anyone - is reading this. (Anyone that isn't me, that is!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, your double commenting. Sort it out girl. And getting writing that thesis. And learn to drive