Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Flash Forward

I saw a vision of Conor and I about 30 years from now yesterday evening when I was on my way home from work. I couldn't hear what was being said, even though I was standing right next to them, but it was definitely us-in-the-future. And I'm scared.

She was the epitome of rage: eyes bugging out of her head; steam rising from her ears; giving out about something (me, I think - there may have been some perceived bus-stop queue skippage - and also everyone else standing around in the throng for the same reason; the bus was running about 5 minutes late aswell) and he was so calm - talking her down off the metaphoric water tower.

I swear, if she'd been a little shorter and he'd been a little taller with long hair and a beard, I'd have known for sure that these were the Ghosts-of-Christmases-yet-to-come and asked them what the world was like in their time and whether now was a good time to buy...

Anyway, the upshot of it all was that I made a mental note to calm the hell down. Just in general. I think it would be a valuable life skill. Future-me looked like a stress-induced heart attack waiting to happen.

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