Monday, March 20, 2006

Oh God! I'm so suburban...

Sometimes I hate what I'm becoming - a middle-class suburban working mom. Such a hateful and dull cliché. I had such visions for myself - a high-flying, jet-setting, devil-may-care, free-as-a-bird individual. But no more. I appear to have relegated myself to the staunchly middle-of-the-road suburban 4-bed detached outside of the city territory that probably describes a good 50% of the population. How very unique.

On the plus side, I get to go on mid-week city breaks! Yeayyy!


Gerry said...

You need to buy a huge SUV now for dropping the kid to the creche... Very important for all those yummy mummies... wait, was that a compliment? From me? Shit, am I getting suburbanised and mellow too?

Sinéad said...

Oh yes, now that I can drive, I should get the biggest and most unwieldy vehicle I can afford the insurance on. I can park it awkwardly on footpaths in front of schools and in several marked spaces at once in the supermarket carpark. The possibilities are endless!

Conor said...

Why do need a bigger car to do that?

**Zing** I'm here all week, try the veal..

Sinéad said...

At least then people would expect it of me, whereas now, people just know that I'm a rubbish parker!