Thursday, July 08, 2004

House Hunting

Anyone who's been through the process of looking for a place to live knows how much of a pain in the ass it is. Whether you're renting or buying, it's a shocker. Looking for somewhere that you could see yourself staying in and liking - a place that looks nice, somewhere you wouldn't be embarrassed to have your friends or your parents come visit you at - makes it into the second circle of Hell.

(I think that there may be a seperate blog in this - I should really put down what I think falls into those seven circles of Hell... a job for another day though. I should probably populate my Room 101 while I'm about it too.)

It's even harder when you're part of a couple because then you've got to take two peoples' tastes into consideration. There will be compromise and one (or both) will end up putting up with stuff (not necessarily the same stuff, assuming there are no major communication difficulties. Given the stress levels involved in moving, however, this cannot be guaranteed) they hate (or just don't like very much) because the other person likes it. Maybe overall, women win on this score, so I shouldn't grouse too much about it. The point is still valid though.

To be perfectly honest, while the looking is in itself a bit boring, it's not until you bring in the Affordability Factor that things really reach the point of abject demoralisation. You find the place you love but it's beyond the scope of your pocket. You know this. You try to put it out of your mind. Put it behind you. But all the time it's lurking in your subconscious mind. Silently comparing all other houses you look at against itself and finding them lacking. You think "Maybe..." but you know that you're just fooling yourself. Your subconscious picks up on the hesitation - feeds it, nurtures it, encourages it...

You start to resent your job. You work so hard and you're (a) undervalued, (b) underpaid and - this is the real clincher - (c) don't earn enough to buy your dream house. Damn their eyes! You start to resent your partner for not earning enough to be able to buy the house of your dreams for you. Damn them all!

The whole damn world is out to piss you off. You know it. They know it. And those bastards are having a good giggle when they think you're not looking, and don't bother to try and hide it when they know you are.

This is Day 2 of "We're only looking to see what's around and don't have any plans to move or buy or do anything for at least another 3 months". My marriage and mental health are doomed.

Does anyone know a good estate agent?

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