Thursday, September 23, 2004

Love is...

This is so soppy. I can't believe I'm about to share this level of soppiness with the internet...

Anyway, I left my apartment this morning at the usual time of 7a.m. It was still a bit dusky out and there was a light drizzle falling. It takes 10 minutes for me to walk to my bus stop and in that time, I'd got fairly wet and had come up with this incredibly gooey thought that I'm about to share with you.

Yesterday, Con & I had stayed at my parent's place. It's close to where we live, but is about a 20-minute walk to the nearest bus stop. We left at 10 to 7 in the morning. It was barely beginning to get bright and it was raining heavily with a strong wind blowing.

And here's the unbelievably sappy thing:
I thought this morning was more miserable than yesterday.
Because I was walking on my own.


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