Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Triangular Honey from Triangular Bees

It's made with triangular chocolate from triangular trees,
Triangular honey from triangular bees
Hello! Mr Confectioner please,
Give me Toblerooooooone......

I have had this song rolling around in my head since the weekend (thanks a heap, Conor!), which some of you may recall from an advertising campaign run by Toblerone a few years ago. FYI, it was originally aired in the late 1960's, around the time of the Beatles' Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Yellow Submarine.

I had managed to get the song out of my head until 20 minutes ago, when I sat at a colleague's desk to fix something for them and spotted a mini Toblerone bar on her desk. Completely oblivious to what I was doing, I started crooning along as I worked, much to the amusement of everyone in earshot. I wasn't even deterred as I got odd looks while I walked back to my own office, humming merrily to myself.

I'm about to go and run a training session with some folks from upstairs - I hope I can control my melodic (and melodramatic) tendancies for another hour or so. Otherwise, I fear I may loose my job as a result of perceived diminished sanity...


Conor said...

Gah! I made a nice picture of a triangluar bee, but blogger doesn't let me imbed HTML. You can see it http://www.lunchpoet.com/bee.jpg.

Conor said...
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Gerry said...

Try a bit of Harrys? Diner. Nothing like it to get a song off your brain.

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Conor said...
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Conor said...
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