Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Apparently, feminists (of the butch, hairy legged, javelin throwing type) seem to think that a woman's ability to multi-task is proof that Woman is better than Man.

I'm not sure I agree. I think it's an ability or trait (and only one of many) that makes us different. But better? What about jam-jars? Do men suggest that just because they can open the really tightly screwed on and vacuum-packed ones that they're better than women? Ok, I guess some of them do...

What this appears to come down to is an argument over which is better: Brains or Brawn; Mental Dexterity or Manual Dexterity; Intellectual Power or Physical Strength... and let's face it, there's no easy answer to that conundrum.

As I sit here and write this, I am yet again astounded by the way I can so easily be distracted from my original idea... This was going to be a mini-piece trumpeting to the world about how great I am for being able to add a "mail this to a friend" link to my blog, at the same time as creating a test scenario for work, while simultaneously writing an Operations Manual (also for work), concurrent with writing this blog!

To be honest, all I've really got to show for it right now are sore fingers from Alt+Tabbing every couple of seconds and a bit of a headache coming on...

Where's that jam-jar, so I can relax?

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